Greg Parry: Keynote Speaker and Leadership Mentor
Greg is the Co-founder and CEO of Global Services in Education, Ltd.
Highly regarded for his expertise in leadership across a range of culturally diverse and complex international contexts, Greg Parry has mentored leaders and institutions throughout Australia, the Middle East, The United States, India and China.
A dynamic key note speaker who inspires then develops, motivates then mentors leaders who go on to make a difference.
What is his unique voice?
Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building legitimacy through integrity. Authentic relationships value input and are built on an ethical foundation. Authentic leaders are positive people with truthful self-concepts. They promote openness by building trust and generating enthusiastic support from their colleagues.
Global Leadership
While many believe leadership success in different cultural contexts requires an understanding of difference, Greg believes the key is embracing similarities. While fashion, food and flags might mislead us in believing we are all very different there are some principles and values that prove our motivations are most often the same, even when the signs and signals might mislead us to think otherwise.
Personal Behaviours
Personal behaviours reflect values and beliefs. Values and beliefs are what inspire people to follow. Change begins with the first step and Greg’s mentoring shows and teaches what good leadership looks like not only in the workplace but in our daily lives.
Systems Thinking
Systems thinking requires a move in our attention away from a linear step by step approach to understanding the interconnectedness of all behaviours. While traditional approaches demand constant supervision, compliance and attention a systems approach allows us to understand the dynamics and to harness its energy. Productivity increases and we create sustainability when we solve problems and implement solutions based on a systems approach.
Who inspires him?
- William Deming
- William Glasser
- Peter Senge
- Meyer-Briggs
- Daniel Goleman
- Victor Frankl
- John Maxwell
- Stephen Covey
- Dale Carnegie
- …..and countless more
Check in with me and explore the behaviours and skills that represent true Global Leadership as it applies to international contexts. Let’s discuss the strategies and skills you can employ to be a truly internationally-minded global leader.
(All of my podcasts are one take – no edits – no script – keeping it real – natural dialogue from the head and heart)