In a recent meeting with some new clients about education management services, Global Services in Education (GSE) was described as being “unique” and a “niche player in the education market.”

“We are not aware of another education management company like yours. Who are your competitors?”

A frequent question asked by clients
Education Management
Co-Founder Greg Parry

CEO and Co-Founder, Greg Parry responds confidently, “With complete sincerity I need to say that I am not aware of anyone that does what we do, with our profile and approach. We provide schools with premium management expertise in unique cultural contexts.”

As explained by Greg, “GSE was founded by myself and Shanna Parry in response to a demand in the market place for expertise in setting up and operating international schools. It was clear that many investors wanted to enter the industry but few had the experience. There were also many who had started schools but quickly plateaued because they did not have the depth or breadth of experienced to lead schools. It is important that Principals and education management teams are supervised in ways that truly stretch aspirations and achieve success. We are proven education leaders who knew how to lead and operate schools. Over time we have also developed strong business acumen and we are the bridge between two integral and valuable paradigms. Education and business management.”

Education Management
GSE Management

The GSE Brand

GSE has established a strong brand in the market place and investors and developers know that outsourcing management to experts ensures the school has the greatest chance of success. Sheraton, Hilton, Hyatt and many other big brand hotels are advantaged by brand recognition. However, what is more valuable is their ability to operate hotels with superior and trusted service. They know what is required and they can smoothly operate hotels better than their competitors. That is what GSE does for schools and consequently, parents and the Board feel reassured that the school is operated by proven education professionals.


GSE set out from the start to be different. Their team believed that schools should be led by educators and that a bridge needed to be created between the academic and the business sides of a school. Visions of academic and business success can and should be aligned but you need to understand both and why they are not in conflict.

“When a proven education leader has credibility in both the staff lunch room and the board room then the school has strong balanced leadership.”

CEO – Greg Parry

Greg and Shanna wanted to be innovative but they have always held a cautious cynicism for the latest educational fads and fashions they have personally seen come and go over several decades in the field. If it does not accelerate outcomes for children it just doesn’t fly and business people can often be misled by marketing cliches and “shiny objects” that they believe may make them different. In international schools there is naturally a higher staff turnover and principals and teachers tend to lean towards short term decisions rather than longer term strategic decisions. Best practice management in the industry is not about gadgets and outsourcing pedagogical practice. GSE builds strong educational teams then procures tried and tested resources. We push boundaries with the latest technology aligned to teaching strategies that maximise achievement.

What Makes a Difference?

What truly makes a difference is excellent teachers making an impact in classrooms. Quality school management needs to be discerning and it needs to understand what does and does not make the greatest difference. Educators need to be supervised, evaluated and developed. They need ongoing training and appropriate support. The most valuable resource in a school are the teachers and they want to work for good management. In developing countries staff are hard to recruit and turn over is high. Teachers prefer to report to educational leaders with proven track records. International schools find that marketing their strengths to teachers is an important strategy in a competitive market place.

Pushing Boundaries and Disrupting Best Practice

GSE want to design schools and systems that achieve best practice, not just replicate decades of tradition. Sadly, many schools look like they do because that is how they have always looked. Management systems also need to be challenged and brought in line with best practice. GSE strives to passionately implement what history and research has proven to work but discard things that don’t. They believe that education management needs a shake up and they know that globally there is an extreme shortage of high quality education leaders.

“According to The Economist, the idea of disruptive innovation is the most influential business idea of the 21st century.

To be a disrupter is to create a product, service, or way of doing things which displaces the existing market leaders and eventually replaces them at the helm of the sector. Disruptors are generally entrepreneurs, outsiders, and idealists rather than industry insiders or market specialists. Disruptors are often linked to the fast moving technology industry but can be found in almost any area of business.” (Source: The Business Leader)

Planning Education Management Partnerships with GSE in 2020

In every industry the message is change and compete – or die. Schools, and education management, need to be a disruptors.

But how? Many boards and school owners flounder when attempting to rethink their model. Principals are traditionally great on the academic side but not as experienced in business or marketing. We hate to admit it, but also, there is an extreme shortage of strong principals suitable for international schools. We know that strong balanced leadership across both sides is essential.

The solution? Partnership with a global education leader can bring both fresh insights and the technical solutions needed to move forward. School boards and owners need to have eyes and advice that looks at all sides of the mission.

GSE’s strategy for 2020 will be to create management partnerships with investors and developers meeting strict criteria. Since they first launched in 2011 they have learnt that less is better and they are discerning about the types of projects they engage in.

Our priorities for the year ahead will be projects and clients that are:

  • Professional and determined developers who seek long term credible partnerships
  • Forward thinking innovators who want to disrupt the industry
  • Integrity driven business leaders with sound values and beliefs about education
  • Existing education groups and schools that are open to change and a long term vision for improvement.
School Management
Planning for 2020

Where are GSE looking to operate projects in 2020?

The GSE model and expertise allows us to operate in all regions of the world. The team is very focussed on Asia and the Middle East but we continue to receive enquiries globally.

For further details about how GSE partners with schools contact us soon.

GSE’s core business is to set up, manage and improve schools throughout all regions of the world.

Our extensive team is well recognised as being “education experts” who know how to operate schools in unique and varied contexts. 

Contact us to explore ways that we can support, improve and accelerate your school’s performance.

To understand more about how we set up schools read more here

Contact us

Global Services in Education set up and operate schools in all parts of the world. Governed by a philosophy of global citizenship, every member of the GSE team shares a passion to help shape international education and student achievement through inspiration and collaboration.
Our goal is to meet the highest objectives of every school, teacher, student and parent, with an unwavering dedication to quality education, shared ideals and intercultural perspectives.